A pozat un lac superb, la peste 3.000 de metri inaltime, in Alpi. Frumusetea lui spune insa o poveste trista

Miercuri, 17 Iulie 2019, ora 08:22
11718 citiri
A pozat un lac superb, la peste 3.000 de metri inaltime, in Alpi. Frumusetea lui spune insa o poveste trista
Foto: Instagram/Bryan Mestre

Un loc din Alpi, situat la 3.400 de metri inaltime, a fost fotografiat la cateva zile distanta si diferenta e enorma. Intr-o fotografie peisajul este inghetat, iar in cealalta se poate vedea un lac de toata frumusetea. Un lac montan ireal de frumos!

Initial, Bryan Mestre, amator de catarari si fotograf, a postat pe Instagram o poza in care apare lacul, datata 28 iunie 2019. Un alt pasionat de catarari a luat legatura cu el, trimitandu-i o fotografie realizata in acelasi loc, cu doar 10 zile in urma. In acest instantaneu nu e insa nici urma de lac.

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Time to sound the alarm... The problem here? These two pictures were taken only 10 days apart... It was taken earlier on June 28th, the second one was shared by Paul Todhunter. Only 10 days of extreme heat were enough to collapse, melt and form a lake at the base of the Dent du Geant and the Aiguilles Marbrees That I know, this is the first time anything like that as ever happened. Southern Europe and the Alps have been struck by a massive heatwave with temperature ranging from 40 to 50 degrees, the below 0 freezing altitude was as high as 4,700m (15,400ft) and during the day temperatures as high as 10 degrees Celsius (50 F) were felt on top of Mont Blanc 4,810m (15,780ft) ... This is truly alarming glaciers all over the world are melting at an exponential speed... My interview with @mblivetv can be found here! https://montblanclive.com/radiomontblanc/article/massif-du-mont-blanc-un-petit-lac-se-forme-a-plus-de-3000-m-daltitude-48453 #climbing #climber #climb #frenchalps #savoie #savoiemontblanc #hautesavoie #outdoors #globalwarming #mountaineering #mountains #mountain #montagne #montana #montagna #montanhismo #mountaineer #alpinist #alpinism #alpinisme #alpinismo #alpi #alps #environment #savetheplanet #climatechange #montblanc @patagonia @beal.official @millet_mountain @blueiceclimbing

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Time to sound the alarm... The problem here? These two pictures were taken only 10 days apart... It was taken earlier on June 28th, the second one was shared by Paul Todhunter. Only 10 days of extreme heat were enough to collapse, melt and form a lake at the base of the Dent du Geant and the Aiguilles Marbrees That I know, this is the first time anything like that as ever happened. Southern Europe and the Alps have been struck by a massive heatwave with temperature ranging from 40 to 50 degrees, the below 0 freezing altitude was as high as 4,700m (15,400ft) and during the day temperatures as high as 10 degrees Celsius (50 F) were felt on top of Mont Blanc 4,810m (15,780ft) ... This is truly alarming glaciers all over the world are melting at an exponential speed... My interview with @mblivetv can be found here! https://montblanclive.com/radiomontblanc/article/massif-du-mont-blanc-un-petit-lac-se-forme-a-plus-de-3000-m-daltitude-48453 #climbing #climber #climb #frenchalps #savoie #savoiemontblanc #hautesavoie #outdoors #globalwarming #mountaineering #mountains #mountain #montagne #montana #montagna #montanhismo #mountaineer #alpinist #alpinism #alpinisme #alpinismo #alpi #alps #environment #savetheplanet #climatechange #montblanc @patagonia @beal.official @millet_mountain @blueiceclimbing

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De altfel, in zona nu a fost niciodata vreun lac. Acesta a aparut aproape peste noapte, in contextul in care Franta s-a confruntat recent cu un val de canicula, arata IFL Science. Au fost depasite toate recordurile, cea mai inalta temperatura fiind de 45,9 grade Celsius!

Asa cum era de asteptat, si temperaturile montane au crescut. In regiunea Mont Blanc termometrul a urcat pana la 9,3 grade Celsius.

Iar la baza muntelui, in Chamonix, statiune aflata la o altitudine de 1.000 de metri, au fost temperaturi de aproape 40 de grade in acea zi, a povestit fotograful.

Daca in mod normal de la o altitudine de 3.000 de metri temperaturile sunt negative in Alpi, timp de mai multe zile, limita de 0 grade Celsius s-a intalnit in ultima perioada abia la altudinea de 4.700 de metri.

"Inutil sa spun ca lacul a fost o surpriza totala! E localizat la 3.400 - 3.500 de metri. In mod normal, la o asemenea altitudine gasesti doar gheata si zapada, nu apa in stare lichida. De cele mai multe ori, cand stam pentru o zi la aceasta altitudine, apa din sticlele noastre incepe sa inghete", a mai povestit fotograful.

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To all the people claiming it was a fake or a photoshopped picture, a false flag or whatever... It's very real, the glacier is in terrible shape and liquid water only accelerates the melting process... There's now a lake at the base of Dent du Geant and Aiguilles Marbrees.... Keep sharing! My interview with @mblivetv can be found here! https://montblanclive.com/radiomontblanc/article/massif-du-mont-blanc-un-petit-lac-se-forme-a-plus-de-3000-m-daltitude-48453 #climbing #climber #climb #frenchalps #savoie #savoiemontblanc #hautesavoie #outdoors #globalwarming #mountaineering #mountains #mountain #montagne #montagna #montana #montanhismo #mountaineer #alpinist #alpinism #alpinisme #alpinismo #alpi #alps #alpes #environment #savetheplanet #climatechange #montblanc @beal.official @millet_mountain @patagonia @blueiceclimbing

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"Am fost acolo de destule ori atat in iunie, iulie si chiar august si nu am vazut niciodata apa in stare lichida", a mai declarat Mestre.

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